This is a must have book, recommended by traditional wooden boat building schools. though a good seamanship and shipwrigth vocabulary or glossary at hand is essential, for the most part this is reader friendly book to the amateur and professional alike.. Wooden boat building books are a great way to learn how to build amazing wooden boats right in your own workshop - boat building books at highland woodworking.. "a wonderful and simple method for building a boat--any boat. while buheler has some small scale plans and offsets in the book (available from him in large scale), the strength of this book is the advice..
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A practical course in wooden boat and ship building the fundamental principles and practical methods described in detail especially written for carpenters and other woodworkers who desire to engage in boat or ship building, and as a text-book for schools by richard m. van gaasbeek chicago, frederick j. drake & company , 1918. An added feature is the inclusion of building plans for nineteen boats designed for this book and suitable for amateur building. this text provides a guide to building traditional wooden boats, from flat-bottom rowing-boats to oceangoing cruisers and commercial vessels.. Store for wooden boat owners and builders, focusing on materials, design, and construction techniques and repair solutions.
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