Finally, let me reiterate - you are not safe on a metal boat in a lightning storm nor are you safe in a glass boat in a lightning storm. relatively speaking, though, you are safer in a metal hull than a glass one.. Re: lightening and the aluminum boat? if you can see the lightning or hear the thunder and the storm is heading your way, it's time to head for the dock. fishing and boating are wonderful, but hardly worth dying for. if there's a storm coming, get off the water. it's that simple. think about how long it will take you to get to the dock or ramp.. Next to buckingham fountain. first lightning caught on camera at 0:13 . second lightning where it hits the boat is at 0:35..
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10 things you should never do while fishing
Bad luck bar – almost iowa
Lightning is a serious problem. i recall seeing the results of a lightning strike on a 27-foot sloop in the harbor at cornucopia, wisconsin. a few inches above the boat's waterline was a fist-sized hole. the lightning had struck the aluminum mast, followed the mast down into the boat, and, then jumped from the hull into the water.. Pontoon boat & deck boat forum. open and honest pontoon boat discussion. the conductivity of 5052 aluminum is like 20 million s/m, so millions of times more conductive i wouldn't worry about the toon in a lightning storm, i'd be worried about my own ass.. Lightning: grounding your boat lightning can kill: carrying as much as 100 million make a lightning rod using a piece of aluminum which sticks about 1 foot (30.48 cen-timeters) above the mast. sharpen the rod to miles in front of a storm, and it can strike after a storm has seemingly passed. remember, too,.
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